8325 Ventnor Road
Lake Shore, Maryland 21122
"Mr. Tim" is at the center of the Youth Ministry Program. He coordinates the Middle school and High school programs and oversees our Confirmation program. He also is an integral part of the high school aged Wednesday Night Group meetings as well. He recently started up a Young Adult group that meets on Monday evenings. He stands ready to listen, to help, to plan, to lead, and to participate.
Tim Janiszewski was born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised in Pasadena, where he attended St. Jane Frances School and then Chesapeake High School, graduating in 1987. He began attending Our Lady of the Chesapeake with his parents when it was still a mission back in the late 1970's.
After graduating high school, Tim attended Penn State, graduating in 1991 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering. He worked as a consulting engineer for 6 years in Pittsburgh, PA and Gaithersburg, MD. In 1993, Tim began volunteering with the High School Youth Ministry. Father Rafferty offered Tim a position as Pastoral Associate in Youth Ministry in 1997. After much prayer, reflection, and consultation with his wife, Tim accepted the position and left engineering to come work at the church.
Tim was married here at OLC in 1995 and has two sons that keep him busy and smiling. He and his family live in Ellicott City. He enjoys exercising, racquetball, golf, and water skiing; but since he is married with children, he never gets to do any of that "stuff". So he enjoys working on his house, trying to complete his lovely wife's never ending "honey-do" list, and spending time with his sons.
Tim has three goals for the religious development of our youth:
1. to foster their relationship with Christ,
2. to encourage their participation in the Parish community and the general community, and
3. to help them to enjoy themselves as they search for peace, happiness, and the truth.
He takes his commitment to these goals and our youth seriously, and enjoys what he does thoroughly.