8325 Ventnor Road
Lake Shore, Maryland 21122
OLC Social Outreach Ministry
The mission of our Social Outreach Ministry is to assist the needy in our community by providing food, clothing, school supplies, and financial assistance for families in crisis with their fuel, gas, electric, and rent expenses. Our Lady of the Chesapeake Parish is extremely proud of the work done by our volunteers who work in this ministry - being the face of Christ to others.
Our Lady of the Chesapeake also supports Our Daily Bread--a soup kitchen in Baltimore City--by providing home-cooked casseroles on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Moreover, on any day of the week, a wagon can be found in the vestibule of the church, ready to accept donations of canned goods and non-perishables. These donations form the basis of a pantry used for emergency food disbursements, seasonal activities, and are also sent to local shelters that provide help for the homeless.
Our Social Outreach Ministry aids families in the immediate Pasadena area who are facing rent evictions or having difficulties meeting their utility bills. These families are referred to us through Social Services, NCEON, and other recognized agencies.
Seasonal Activities:
The School Year – The chapter adopts families through the Department of Social Services, buying school supplies for needy children in Anne Arundel County at the beginning of the school year.Thanksgiving – Donations are used to prepare food baskets for the needy, with all the ingredients for a delicious Thanksgiving Dinner. This past year, 55 families were provided with Thanksgiving baskets, delivered by parishioners, members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and their families.
Winter – The chapter collects and purchases knit hats, gloves, underwear, flannel shirts, socks, and toiletry items to be given out to people staying in five area shelters in Anne Arundel County and Baltimore City. Some parishioners make wool hats and lap throws which are given to elderly in need.
Christmas – Our annual Giving Tree provided over 100 children and 55 families (including elderly) with Christmas gifts. Parishioners choose a tag from the Giving Tree, purchase an appropriate gift based on the information provided on the tag, and return the wrapped gift to the Giving Tree. Names for the Giving Tree are provided to us by the Department of Social Services. Approximately 55 food baskets were also given to families for their Christmas Dinner this past year. Additional gifts (e.g., bikes and toys) not from the Giving Tree were distributed to local shelters.
Easter – Celebration of the Lord's Resurrection is shared through a variety of baskets for the needy. Again, with names provided by the Department of Social Services, this past year the chapter provided several fruit baskets for the elderly, 55 traditional Easter baskets for children, and 53 food boxes for families.
New members are welcomed to our Social Outreach Ministry, but you need not be a member to share your talents and generosity as we work on various projects throughout the year. If you are interested in helping, please call the Parish Office (410-255-3677, extension 111). This same phone number may also be used for those who are in need of assistance from OLC's Social Outreach Ministry.